The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

I’m not sure where this adventure Brittany came from… but I like it. I think. A few years ago, if it was anything beside a bright clear day outside, you wouldn’t catch me running at all. Lately, I’ve really been embracing the cold and snow. I only have a chance to run outside during the weekends, so I really feel bad missing the opportunity.

Snow storm running is quickly becoming my new favorite activity. I like to try and come out with a serious “ice face” yesterday’s flurries were on the warmer side, so I went with the “ice feet” instead.


Today, the windchill was a little more extreme. It involved multiple layers. My house was also feeling the wind gusts as well, so I plopped everything on my heated blanket before I got dressed. I went with my Lulu brushed speed tights, Lulu think fast long sleeve, Lulu neck warmer, my Nike headband that is as old as the hills but I can’t find anything that comes close to replacing it, a simple Nike dry fit long sleeve, PRO Compression marathon socks, and a jacket from T.J. Maxx that I received as a Christmas present.


I was plenty warm! The only thing that suffered a little chill was my thighs. I could have used an extra leg layer for sure. I alternated having my neck warmer on and off which was good temperature control since in the shade felt about 20 degrees colder than the sunny spots.


The wind was causing these snow drifts on the side of the road. It almost looked like sand dunes. It was like I was on a tropical island (I had to keep warm by these thoughts…).


As you can see, my town is really good at plowing and sanding….

Here’s a few tips I’ve learned while cold weather running:

1.) You aren’t going to get fast times. It’s 100 times better (and safer) to go at a comfortable speed than risk slipping and sliding and breaking an ankle. Go slow.

2.) Layers are key. If you really get too hot, you can take a layer off. If you are too cold, you aren’t going to find extra layers hanging around on the side of the road.

3.) Just because it’s cold, doesn’t mean you don’t need to be hydrated. You are still sweating, your body still needs water. The end. Rookie mistake on my part.

4.) Wear shoes with good traction. Trail running shoes work well. You can also buy add ons for your sneakers or put some hexagon screw in them for a cheaper alternative.

5.) Be aware. Especially if you are running while it is snowing. There is no bigger day ruiner than getting hit by a snow plow. More snow also equals no shoulders to run on. Make sure every car going by can see you. It’s a lot safer for you to jump off the road than it is for a car to swerve off of it.

So if you live somewhere warm and never see snow, you really are missing out on a good adventure. Also, you are pretty lucky that you are missing out at the same time. It’s a toss up.

So if you are faced with a snowy climate, remember; there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. Happy Running!